How time flies!
We formulate and verbalize this thought many times when we reach the end of a year.
It's time to look back, once again, review successes and achievements, what went less well and what remained to be done. To then look ahead again, fill our chest with air, smile… and continue walking.
December is also a month of party and celebration, with family, with friends, with those we interact with and even with those we don't (yet) know.
Regardless of each person's religious belief, this is (or can be) a moment of celebration of birth (it can be of ideas, of feelings), of solidarity (for those around us and who need us), of kindness (practicing good deeds no matter to whom), altruism (giving without asking for something in return). We have many reasons to celebrate this month!
From our side, in this month edition, we have to share with you: (i) a current analysis of what was (and what can be) the real estate market in Portugal, (ii) some properties that could be a good investment opportunity, (iii) an always valuable conversation with Cristina Pinheiro, about preemptive rights in property transactions, and (iv) a true report - illustrated with beautiful photos - of an walk through an enchanted valley, river and forest.
And because being happy is not easy, but it is simple… simply enjoy!
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!
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