Photography Contest
Create with Light
Stimulate your creativity: take a camera or a cell phone, look around with “seeing eyes” and express what you feel, putting your artistic soul into what you see. Capture images. Record them in photography, recording and writing with light.
Create with light!
Registration: 07/07 to 13/08
Read the regulations below.
His vision of the world involves believing in the creative power of human beings and the innate ability to produce beauty through their multiple forms of expression. Therefore, he has long sought to stimulate the creativity of everyone around him, in his personal and professional life, as a way of making life more fluid, beautiful and pleasurable for everyone.
Photography is one of the arts in which human beings express themselves. Creativity is what we want to make emerge. Hence “Photography” and “Creativity” become the basic concepts of this project.
And since “Photography” comes from the Greek words “phõto” (means “light”) and “graphia” (means “record” or “write”), while “Creativity” derives from the verb “Create”, which comes from from the Latin “creare”, so the name of the competition comes from the combination of the two words: “Create with light”.